The All-American Smash Burger

The All-American Smash Burger

The original burger recipe - some say it came from California, some say from NY, and others that it came from Germany. It does not matter, since it has become an all-American staple for all to enjoy. Here's our version!

You Will Need

  • 1 lb (450 gr) of Ground Beef
  • Kosmo's Q Texas Beef Rub
  • American Cheese slices
  • Mustard
  • Pickles
  • Buns
  • Chopped Romaine Lettuce
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1 Red Onion (Kosmo calls them purple onions)
  • 1 stick of Butter

The Prep

For this cook, you're going to need a flat-top griddle. Alternatively, you could use a cast iron skillet. You're gonna want to cook at a medium-high temperautre, so make all the necessary preparations for your particular setup!

Other than that, there's not a whole lot you need to do. Chop your lettuce, and separate the ground beef into portions (1 lb = 4 smashburger patties). That's it- you're ready to start cooking.

The Cook

Spread some butter on the hot grill, and get the patties on there. While the first side is cooking, give the buns a quick toast and set aside. 

Once the buns are gone, flip your patties and smash them with a sturdy spatula. You want them to be as thin as 1/4 inch (0.6 cm). Season with Texas Beef and cook for about half a minute, then flip again, and place one slice of American Cheese on each patty to melt.

The Payoff

It's assembly time... Spread some mustard on the bottom bun, and add pickles, lettuce, tomato, onion, and/or whatever makes a burger great for you! 

Once the cheese has sufficiently molten over the patties, move the patties over to their final resting place - two of them stacked on each burger. Spread some mustard on the top bun -or don't- and put it in place.

And that's it! Serve alongside some fries, or on its own - this is one we can all enjoy.

Catch you on the next recipe!


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